Thursday, May 18, 2017

More smarty boy sayings

Looking at bones at the vet.

Danny: "I think those are real fossils."
Me: "Yeah, I think maybe one is of a dog."
Danny: "But how did they get that fossil?  Dogs aren't extinct."

Looking at my foam roller's brand, "GAIAM"
Danny: "Mommy, your special noodle says Guh-LAM."
(I do think capital i and lowercase L look the same, but I'm especially impressed that he sounded out a nonsense word.)

Me:  Danny where are you?
D: In the office!
Me: what are you doing?
D: I'm organizing!!
"Organizing" meant taking the CD-ROM game out of the computer, putting it into its paper envelope, and putting the envelope back into the box.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Amazing vocabulary application

Danny has been amazing me lately with his ability to make connections, using words learned in one context in a completely different context.

First, we've been reading a bedtime story for years called "Baby Farm Animals."  One page says, "Baby Pony is a Shetland Pony, so he will not get very much bigger."  Well, one day we were walking around talking about nothing (and neither Andy or could even remember the last time we had read "Baby Farm Animals") and Danny just pipes up with "I'm going to be Mommy's Shetland Pony."  Well of course we had no idea what he was talking about. Finally Andy remembered the line from the book "he will not get very much bigger."  And Danny said "Yeah, because Mommy says I'm going to stay home with her and not go to Kindergarten."  (I had been saying that, jokingly of course.). I thought it was amazing how he took the idea of a Shetland Pony not getting bigger in size, related that to growing older, interpreted it to fit our situation, turned it into a joke, and brought it up completely out of the blue!!!

Today was another one of those moments. We were talking about ways to avoid getting lice after an outbreak at school. I told him you should never share hats, even if your friend is wearing a super awesome hat that you would like to try on. He thought about it for a second and asked "Is Crazy Hat Day...extinct?"  Again, taking a past event (Crazy Hat Day spirit day at school), interpreting it to fit the situation, and using a word he had surely learned in conjunction with dinosaurs, but still using it somewhat appropriately.

We love him so much.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Fall 2016

Danny told the office staff at school that instead of helping John with his swords, he just watched "Ketchup Boys" with Daddy.  (Pet Shop Boys)

D:  "Did God make science?"

Danny calls Famous Footwear Fantasy Shoe Store. He calls Jason's Deli Jason's Jelly.

Danny is full on sounding out words aloud and even silently. Sometimes he starts from the right, but when he starts from the left he is correct. Bed, box, dig, dig, no, fun, hug, hot.

Danny: What if there was no 'Don't' sign on the ghost sign on the ghostbusters car?  Then the ghosts would come and drive it!

Me:  Guess what?  Daddy's going to Seattle tomorrow!
Danny:  Oh no! You should have said "Guess...sad."

Me: Want 5 minutes to play with your Alfie robot?
Danny: I want to name my alpha robot Bob.

Andy does an act with one of Danny's bears who is apparently Southern. One night, Danny got into the act. "I do declare I'm Blue-bee Bear!"  Later we were reading Thanksgiving books and I asked what he was thankful for. "DIXIE."

Both spent an afternoon singing "the freaks come out at night" all day long. With variations like "the lunch comes out at lunchtime"

John had an oral surgery, a frenectomy. He kept calling it his "frenenemy" like rhyming with anemone.

D:  I don't remember getting made. When God made us.  Mom, put that on your block. (Blog)

Danny, at dinner: "I dropped a Mac and chee.  [apparently that's the singular.]. There's more where that came from!"  Then I was loading his fork with Mac and cheese so we could finish quickly. I said, "ok, it's loaded."  He put the bite in his mouth and started tracing circles in the air over and over. I asked what he was doing. "The eating part is loading now."

Me (after sending Andy the boys' Santa photo) Daddy  says muy guapo. That means very handsome in Spanish.
Danny: Mommy, you're very magappo.

Danny in bath, to bath toy:  Hey guys, have you ever been swimming?  Do you want to go swimming?
"Chewbacca": Ok, I suppose. I hope I don't get my hair wet.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Danny time

"Oh I love Uncle David, he's so silly."

Apparently "Famous Footwear" is "Fantasy Shoe Store" to Danny. 

Danny: "What if there was no 'Dont' on the ghost sign on the ghostbusters car?  Then the ghosts would come and drive it!"

Danny: "I would prefer to watch Teen titans Go!"

Danny is full on sounding out words aloud and even silently. Sometimes he starts from the right, but when he starts from the left he is correct. Bed, box, dig, dug, no, fun, hug, hot. 

Friday, September 2, 2016


"I love princesses!  They're super polite!"

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Reasoning and reassurance

John: You're a scaredy cat. 
Danny:  First of all, I'm not a cat. Second of all, I'm not scary. 

(two minutes later, after I told Andy I got a call from the school nurse this morning.)

Danny:  I was walking on the playground and I didn't see it and I went bonk. I bumped my head. I was still lucid, though. 

Me:  Why do you love stegosaurus so much?

Danny:  Because they have so many stegs on their back. 


Grandpa:  Who is hosting the draft party?

Danny:  GIRAFFE PARTY?!?!?!


John invented an after school game.  Pokemon Businessman.  He used Lincoln Logs as money to teach his friends about taxes.  Next he is going to teach about "household care, investments, mortgages, and trading like people actually do today."  I said, "Wow, that sounds really interesting.  Great idea to use fun things to teach useful ideas."  He said "Yeah, it was more like playing than learning."

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Lemon kiss

Danny was drinking lemonade at church this morning while we talked to the priest's wife, and then he yelled, "Mommy, want a lemon kiss?"  All three of us had our heart melted and I stopped right away to get a lemon kiss. :)