Friday, August 31, 2012

Daniel is 7 weeks old

and weighs 11.3 pounds, up from 10.2 pounds at 6 weeks.  He is getting so chunky and big!  He smiled for the first time at 6 weeks old, but hasn't done it very often!

He is also sleeping very well.  He first slept through the night (8 hours) at 5 weeks old, and it was hit or miss for the next two weeks.  Some nights he'd go as long as 8.5 hours, but then I think he hit a growth spurt and was back to 4 hours.  For the last few nights, he has been fed around 10-10:30, and slept until 6am, and this morning he even slept until 7am!  This is making a big difference.  In everything!


Daniel's good sleeps did coincide with the week Andy had to go to Mexico City for work, which was so helpful.  I was very worried about handling both boys by myself for the first time, especially with Danny still so little.  But John had it all figured out.  When he heard Andy was going to be gone, he told me "Mama, we won't be sad while Daddy is gone.  God expects little boys named Johnny to take care of mommies and babies.  So we will be happy."  He is such a little sweetheart.


Whenever Danny fusses in the car, John will sing to him.  Current favorite is "You Are My Sunshine", complete with customized final line "Please don't take my Danny away."  So sweet.


Apparently John was watching Alice in Wonderland at school, and he wanted to finish it at home, starting at "the part with the two guys.  (pause)  Hum-Dee and Hum-Dee-Doo".


John has been really into Smurfs lately, and he says his favorite Smurfs are Handy Smurf, Jokey Smurf, and Clumsy Smurf.  He may not realize it, but he picked those three because they are just like him!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

One month old

and Daniel is up to 9 pounds!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Early August

At just under 4 weeks old, Daniel has gained weight, and is up to 8.5 pounds. Grow, baby, grow! He is growing out of some of his size newborn clothes, and is sleeping 4-5 hours at a stretch at night. He is still very sleepy most of the time, but when he wakes up, his eyes are focusing and tracking really well, and he's starting to take in the world around him. We can't wait for him to meet Aunt Robyn tomorrow!

John is very helpful on the rare occasions Daniel gets fussy when we're in the car. Here is a little song he sang last week: "Don't cry little baby, renember don't cry, renember don't cry, renember don't cry. Renember don't cry little baby, renember renember, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. (2 beats) Sh sh!" The ending was very musical. :)

 I was talking to John about talking to our friends when they say hi to him, and he said, "SPEAKING of what you're talking about, Mommy, we are learning about that in school. Manners." "What manners are you learning about?" "Kind. Respect." It's so funny to hear terms like "speaking of" used transitionally and correctly in his little four-year-old voice.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

An actual blog update

So much has changed in the last three weeks, I think it warrants an actual post.

Daniel Benjamin Will was born July 10th, at 10:51 pm.  I still had 10 days before I was scheduled for my c-section, but I went into labor and my water broke around 8pm that evening, so that was it!  He was 6 pounds, 12 ounces, and 19 inches long.  We stayed in the hospital until Saturday July 14th, then came home to become a family of four!

Danny has been a great baby from the day he was born!  He is quiet and sleepy and rarely cries, unless he is really hungry, and then he will let you know!  He is pretty easy-going almost all the time, and sometimes we hardly even know there's a baby in the house!  At six days old, he dropped one of his night feedings, and has been eating at 11pm, between 2-4am, and at 7am ever since.  Despite a bit of gassiness and a few spit-ups, he has not shown any major signs of reflux like his big brother so far, so we are thankful for that!  He does look a lot like John, as many people have commented on.  He is a beautiful baby, and I just love his hair, which is very blonde!

Other milestones so far:
Weight at 6 days old:  6 pounds, 3 ounces
Weight at 13 days old:  6 pounds, 15 ounces
Weight at 20 days old:  7 pounds, 12 ounces

He rolled over last night at exactly 3 weeks old, from tummy to back.  He got his arm under him once and got stuck, so I rolled him back.  Then he got his other arm under him, and actually got enough power to push all the way over.  Who knows if this is a fluke, but it was pretty exciting!  He has pretty strong neck and arm muscles for his age, so it makes sense that he would be able to do that, though I think it is still pretty early!

He is kind of a lazy eater, though, like he forgets he's eating.  This is a big change from John, who just gulped down his bottles from day one, eating a full two ounces every three hours even in the hospital.  Daniel is the opposite - we had to work really hard to get him to take half an ounce every four hours.  The nurses told us that was the absolute minimum intake, and we had to do everything we could think of to get him to take even that little bit.  This has continued at home.  Even though he is now eating 3-4 ounces every 3 hours, it takes a while, and if we aren't patient enough, coaxing and coaching him to take a full feeding, we pay for it at the next one when he's too hungry!  I want to tell him, "Look, I told you to wake up and eat at the last feeding, don't blame me!"  :)

The rest of the family is doing well.  Andy was able to stay home from work for two weeks, which we really needed as I recovered from my c-section.  He has been back to work for a week now, but (as always) is equally helpful around the house, with meals, and with both boys.  He's such a great dad and husband.  He is still working for Amazon, and they are moving into their new office today.

John is doing well.  He loves his brother and doesn't seem to mind that our attention is divided.  He is helpful and pretty understanding of our temporary limitations.  That doesn't mean he is always easy - he IS four years old, after all, and there is a certain amount of sassy talk and willful disobedience as he tries to assert his independence.  However, we don't notice any more of this behavior now than we did a month ago, it's just a little harder to handle when you've also got a newborn in the house!

I am doing well in my c-section recovery.  I elected to have a repeat c-section so I could guarantee that I wouldn't labor for hours and still end up with a c-section, and I am so happy I made the decision I did.  The repeat c-section was much easier than my emergency c-section last time.   Most importantly, I was fully aware during the surgery, and I remember meeting Daniel and almost everything about his first few days, which was not the case with John's birth.  I was off pain medications and sleeping in my own bed by a week postpartum, which was a major improvement from last time.  Now at three weeks postpartum, I am still fairly limited in my activity;  a big day for me includes showering, either picking John up or dropping him off at school (but rarely both), maybe meeting my parents for lunch (so they can help with the carseat), unloading/loading the dishwasher, and taking care of Daniel for the day.  Any more than that and I start to get a little sore!  Still, I have noticed great improvement in the last couple of days, so I hope things continue to improve quickly.  I have lost 19 pounds with 11 to go (and hope that a few more pounds will come off on their own!), and I am a bit impatient to start exercising again and getting back to normal!  I think I will be taking around 5 more weeks off before returning to work, and I plan to enjoy every moment with my baby!