We have had a whirlwind winter!
December - Daniel did his DOC band (helmet treatment) and finished right before Valentine's Day. His head looks really good and shows a huge improvement. He had a great first Christmas and started eating baby food. He also started daycare on December 26th. John had a wonderful Christmas. Santa brought him a "superhero playset" in the form of a BatCave, and a CuddleUppet (blanket and a puppet). He had a great time in the Christmas show at his preschool and in the Christmas pageant at church. His best quote from this month was "If you ever go to the North Pole, be sure to find Santa and tell him thank you for the CuddleUppet!!!!!!!"
January - Kate, Steve, and their three kids came to visit. Daniel stayed with Grandma and Grandpa, and John and Andy and I went to Disneyland with the Noons! We had a fantastic time, followed by a fun time in Phoenix with them, especially at Rawhide. Daniel started sitting up on his own at 6.5 months.
February - All of us were sick. Daniel had RSV, John had pinkeye, Andy had strep, and I had allergies that turned into a sinus infection. I finished my dissertation and turned it into my committee on March 1st, and also rehearsed and started performing in Die Fledermaus. Daniel got his first tooth at 7.5 months, and is now working on his second tooth at almost 8 months. This has made him a little cranky but he is still pretty happy in general. He is now eating sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, peas, green beans, apples and pears in addition to rice cereal. John has had a bit of a rough time at school with his behavior, but he is working hard at listening and minding. He is very sweet at home and so gentle with his baby brother. He is so excited for kindergarten in the fall. He is doing special math worksheets above and beyond the rest of the class so we are very proud of him!
Daycare newsletter for February-March. (This is our first newsletter with both boys in it!) "Daniel has adjusted nicely to the nursery. He is always such a happy baby and he loves to roll around discovering all kinds of cool toys. He enjoys interacting with his friends and jumping in the jumpy. We are happy to have him with us! . . . John is very smart and is always very eager to learn. He enjoys playing with all his friends and he has a lot of energy!"
March is going to be a great month. Andy and I celebrate our 9 year anniversary, I am receiving my doctorate after my defense on March 22, and we are having the Borkowitzes to visit. We will also have a great Easter!