Monday, March 12, 2012

Early March

(playing dress-up)
"I'm not the Green Lantern, I'm the Hungry Joker. He jokes about peanut pie, he says it's good but it's not. He takes food in all kinds of baskets, like this one, and this one, and also picnic baskets. He takes picnic baskets away from people. He seems like the meanest guy ever, but in the middle of the movie he turns nice."


John and I were building towers with his blocks, which are alphabet blocks that also have ASU and Sparky on them. Then we talked about the letters and what words start with those letters. Then he realized "Sparky doesn't start with M" and started joking with me, saying things like,

Larky! (giggles)


He thought he was totally hilarious.


John's big idea: "And after I move into my big boy room, maybe the baby can move into my room."

Yes, that's a great idea, so glad you thought of it!


(talking about going to children's theatre show with me, Grandma and cousins)
"There will be 3 kids and only 2 grown-ups! Whoa!! So we will have to be really nice because there are more kids than grown-ups! And one of the grown-ups has a baby in her!"

Thank you for giving yourself the good-behavior speech I was about to give!


(after passing a homeless person resting on an outdoor picnic table)
"I never saw real dead before."

That opened up a nice conversation about those less fortunate.


It's always nice to hear him using our expressions.

"By the way, Mommy, my teacher put sunscreen on me. By the way."


He also thinks he is extremely clever when using his new Spanish words.

"Mommy, can I have a...manzana for dessert?" (smug grin)

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