Monday, April 24, 2017

Amazing vocabulary application

Danny has been amazing me lately with his ability to make connections, using words learned in one context in a completely different context.

First, we've been reading a bedtime story for years called "Baby Farm Animals."  One page says, "Baby Pony is a Shetland Pony, so he will not get very much bigger."  Well, one day we were walking around talking about nothing (and neither Andy or could even remember the last time we had read "Baby Farm Animals") and Danny just pipes up with "I'm going to be Mommy's Shetland Pony."  Well of course we had no idea what he was talking about. Finally Andy remembered the line from the book "he will not get very much bigger."  And Danny said "Yeah, because Mommy says I'm going to stay home with her and not go to Kindergarten."  (I had been saying that, jokingly of course.). I thought it was amazing how he took the idea of a Shetland Pony not getting bigger in size, related that to growing older, interpreted it to fit our situation, turned it into a joke, and brought it up completely out of the blue!!!

Today was another one of those moments. We were talking about ways to avoid getting lice after an outbreak at school. I told him you should never share hats, even if your friend is wearing a super awesome hat that you would like to try on. He thought about it for a second and asked "Is Crazy Hat Day...extinct?"  Again, taking a past event (Crazy Hat Day spirit day at school), interpreting it to fit the situation, and using a word he had surely learned in conjunction with dinosaurs, but still using it somewhat appropriately.

We love him so much.

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