It's been busy around here! Yesterday I had an emergency dental appointment for pain in my mouth - it's fine now.
John had some tummy troubles yesterday, so I called the pediatrician and gave him the facts. He'd been having some diapers that were, shall we say, different. He'd also been eating less and spitting up more. The doctor put John on Pedialyte for 24 hours. I'm not sure it's helping, but John sure does like it! He's eating a ton!
Then today, I noticed John's eyes getting worse. They've been teary with a little goop in the corners, and I figured that was normal. But today they are so goopy that his eyes stick shut while he's sleeping. So we've got an appointment for tomorrow morning. Hopefully we will get all of our questions about goopy eyes and funky digestive systems answered!
Things are going well otherwise. John's still sleeping 5-6 hours at night. Andy's taking the 10:00ish feeding, I'm taking the 4:00ish feeding, and Andy's taking the 7:00ish feeding. So we are both getting around 7 hours of sleep at a time. This makes things SO much easier.
To that end, I went back to Weight Watchers today. It felt good to take some action. I'm a Lifetime Member, so I don't have to pay for the next three months while I lose my baby weight, which is nice. I'm also going to lead a Biggest Loser Challenge on my May 2008 babies message board starting next month.
Also, I SANG TODAY!! For reals, not just singing lullabies (or Do-Re-Mi, or ABBA) to John. I actually stood in front of my piano in my studio and sang some actual classical exercises and part of an Italian aria!
Being completely honest, it sounded like absolute crap! But hey, I haven't sung in exactly 8 weeks AND I had major abdominal surgery. My voice was definitely very rusty, but it didn't seem to hurt my abs.
I quit early, thinking I didn't want to push it. But it felt good to sing again! It's one more step toward feeling like the old me!
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