Yesterday, our church recognized John's birth. They had a rose on the altar to commemorate it, and they also put an announcement in the bulletin and introduced him at the end of the service. It was great!
We weighed John a couple of days ago by weighing Andy, and then Andy holding John. According to this unofficial measurement, John now weighs 11.3 pounds, which is over 4 pounds more than he weighed at birth! I can't believe how fast he is growing. Here's a side by side comparison of him in his carseat, first on the way home from the hospital and second on Saturday:
We had a fun photo shoot yesterday, here are two of my favorites:
John has been doing really well with his sleeping schedule. He has pretty much dropped one of his nighttime feedings. Now he's eating at roughly 10:00 p.m., 3:00 a.m., and 7:00 a.m. This is really good news! I am taking the 3:00 and Andy is taking the 7:00 so we are each getting a good chunk of sleep.
John has also become much more alert this week, you can tell he is really looking at things. He's started to respond to toys, as well as tracking movements with his eyes. He has such a sweet little personality. We love him so much and can't believe how fast time is going!
1 comment:
Andi, AJW, JC... We are thinking of you all. Hoping for some opportunity to meet little John, he is a handsome little shaver. The pictures are great. Thanks for putting a few out here for us to view! God bless, Bret & Janel & family.
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