Monday, July 2, 2012


Grammy brought back a stuffed cow from Wisconsin for Baby Brother.

John:  Oh, it's a cow because cheese comes from cows, and Packers come from Wisconsin, and Packers wear cheese hats!


John:  I wish I could sit in the front seat.
Me:  Oh, you can't.  Do you remember why?  We talked about it a couple of weeks ago.
John:  Because of the airbags!
Me:  That's right!  You have a good memory.  Are you going to teach Baby Brother how to have a good memory?
John:  Yep.  It's easy!  You just think and think and think until you get to the think in the past, and then you just remember it.


(trying on a basketball-style sleeveless ASU shirt, frowning)
My arms are too long for this shirt.  It feels weird.