Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Reasoning and reassurance

John: You're a scaredy cat. 
Danny:  First of all, I'm not a cat. Second of all, I'm not scary. 

(two minutes later, after I told Andy I got a call from the school nurse this morning.)

Danny:  I was walking on the playground and I didn't see it and I went bonk. I bumped my head. I was still lucid, though. 

Me:  Why do you love stegosaurus so much?

Danny:  Because they have so many stegs on their back. 


Grandpa:  Who is hosting the draft party?

Danny:  GIRAFFE PARTY?!?!?!


John invented an after school game.  Pokemon Businessman.  He used Lincoln Logs as money to teach his friends about taxes.  Next he is going to teach about "household care, investments, mortgages, and trading like people actually do today."  I said, "Wow, that sounds really interesting.  Great idea to use fun things to teach useful ideas."  He said "Yeah, it was more like playing than learning."