Saturday, June 14, 2008

He smiled!

John turned six weeks old yesterday. John's been getting ready to smile for a while. He'd give us the hint of a smile, or grin while sleeping, but not a real smile in response to us.

Yesterday, he yawned and I smiled and said "Oh, big yawn!" and when he saw me smiling the yawn turned into a big smile. It was so cute. I still wasn't sure, though, if it was accidental or not.

Then this morning Andy came in while I was brushing my teeth with the biggest smile on his face. He said, "You have to come see this. I was talking to John and he was totally smiling at me. He kept doing it, it is totally real and not just accidental! Come look!" So I went into the family room where John was in his swing, and sure enough, as soon as Andy started talking to him, he started smiling like crazy!

It was so precious. He has such a cute little smile. It totally brought a tear to my eye, what a special moment! I didn't get any pictures because I was so busy enjoying it. I'm sure I'll be able to take pictures once it becomes a little more commonplace, but for now, I'm just going to watch and smile back!

And a quick sleeping update: He was sleeping for a full 6 hours at a time earlier in the week, but has fallen back to 4. I think he's having a growth spurt. Ah well.

Andy's been great about taking the night feeds on weekends so that I can try to catch up on my sleep. He's such a great daddy and a great husband! In fact, I will use this post to wish him a happy first Father's Day!

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