Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A great week!

John had a week in which he did a lot of cool things and really overcame some of his shyness.
  • He finished the school read-a-thon and earned some prizes, including a limo ride with the principal to McDonalds to have ice cream.  His class read the most minutes in the whole school!
  • He got to dress as Jack from the Magic Tree House books for the last day of the read-a-thon.
  • He tested for his next belt in karate and earned his white-orange belt.
  • He started to really enjoy the new church we are trying out, and went to Sunday School by himself without being anxious and shy for the first time.
  • Later that night, he went back to church and started a class called "The Art of Faith", where he will learn about the church history and building, and sketch a building on the church campus and then do an oil painting of it.
  • He is working on his timeline with an event from every year: 0 - My cousin Bailey was born, 1 - I went to Rocky Point, 2 - I started going to see my mom in her shows, 3 - I went to Seattle for the first time, 4 - My baby brother was born, 5 - I had a very nice Easter with my cousins, 6 - I went to Chicago.  He picked the events himself, and is writing and coloring a picture for each event on a full-size blank paper. 
  • He ASKED to compete in a karate tournament being held by his school's two locations.  Because each competitor gets a medal.  :)  Still!
  • At Someburros, he colored a picture, and then went up to Nacho (their donkey mascot character) and gave it to him.  Nacho made a gesture like "For me???"  and then John came running back so proud of himself.
  • Also he has decided he doesn't believe in the Tooth Fairy.  Because nothing can fly except God and angels and maybe the Holy Spirit.  So it has to be something small and smart that comes in and takes the tooth.  At first he thought it was a Tooth Rat, then he decided it was more likely a Tooth Dog or Tooth Monkey.  He's totally serious. 
  • He also informed me that his plan is to be an author, then a governor, then the president. But you can't just decide to be president, people have to vote for you. So he will just have to keep hoping.
  • He wanted to know if World War III had happened yet.  When I told him no, he told me he had a feeling he was going to be in it.  He thinks it will be Israel, Egypt and China against America, Canada, and Chile.
Daniel also had a great week:
  • At dinner one night, he sat in a booster and kept leaning forward and back, saying, "Back!  Forth!  Back!  Forth!"  Then he used his straw to stir his milk and kept saying "Mixing!  I'm mixing it!"  Except it sounded like misking.  He was also extremely polite, saying, "More milk, please thank you!"  and "Here french fry, Daddy!  Thank you you're welcome"
  • A game we like to play is this:  Me:  "Do you like cookies?"  D: "i LIKE cookies!"  "Do you like cake?"  "i LIKE cake!"  on and on.  He will repeat whatever I say, claiming to like it.  It's so funny.  Oh, until he finally says "Stop.  Stop talking."
  • He had a great time asking Uncle Dave to read to him during the Packers game.  
  • He loves church too because of the nursery.  Between the playhouse and the play school bus, he could probably just stay there forever.  They even changed his diaper for us!  When we took John back for his art class, Danny recognized where we were:  "CHURCH!!!!" and Andy had to get him out of the car and let him play on the playground, because he was NOT ABOUT to be left in the car while I dropped John off instead of playing at church!
  • On the way to school, I said "Daniel, we're going to school now for snack.  Don't fall asleep, no sleeping."  And he said "NO!!  No sleeping!!!" very indignantly, like how dare I suggest that he might fall asleep when it wasn't time for sleeping.  Like he has never fallen asleep in the car on the way to school, oh, every day!  
  • He will be moving up to 2s as soon as the next one in there moves up to 3s.  He is next in line, but it takes longer for 2s to move up to 3s because they have to be potty trained.  His teacher said he is totally ready, and he is the only one in the class that knows all his shapes and most of his colors.
  • This morning, I said two, he said three, I said four, he said five, I said six, he said seven, I said eight, he said nine, I said ten, he said BLAST OFF!!  When I picked him up from school, I said "what did you have for lunch?" and he actually responded "I had sammich."  Sure enough, he did! 
  • He had a great time meeting Nacho the burro, which at first he thought was a "wabbit."

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